
Tessa has been Brooklyn's friend for as long as she can remember. Today was one of their off days from kindergarten and as both girls get very bored when not at school a play date was arranged. I have been trying for what seems like almost a year now to get photos of the whole family but with busy schedules it hasn't happened (working on it for spring!) I mentioned to Tessa that we should do some photos and she was all over it! Here is a few. These are for you Jolanda! And the black and white is for Tessa because she says these are her favourite!
Sweet Baby "E"

I just completed this photo shoot about an hour ago and just couldn't wait to edit a few of these photos and get them up here for the family to see. I have to say again, six month olds have got to be my absolute favorite to photography. Newborns are cute and squishy but there is something to be said for a subject with a developed personality. This age usually is fairly easy going. They haven't developed anxiety towards strangers and if they had been fussy newborns, this has usually passed. What is left is a bright eyed, smiley little person who usually shines in front of the lens. I have been excited to photograph this beautiful long lashed baby for sometime now and am glad that today finally worked out. I was not disappointed and the wait was definately worth it! Baby "E" was smiley and happy for a good hour and I am very thrilled with the results. Thanks mom for letting me capture these for you. Here is your sneak peak. Enjoy!
I Heart Faces-We are Family

I love this photo of this family of three. Not only are they very photogenic but they were so natural in front of my lens. It was only three days after Christmas and about minus 6 degrees celsius but that didn't stop us from venturing outdoors to capture the love that exists between mom, dad and their beautiful 14 month old daughter.
Baby "A"

I have been really looking forward to this newborn shoot. I came into this with new ideas, new props and a new light reflector. Even my sleep has suffered the last two nights as I brainstormed, planned, even prayed for the baby to be sleepy. Well this little man did not disappoint. He arrived fed and sleepy, and once settled into my warm, and I mean warm, photo area he just zonked. He tolerated position changes, backdrop changes, and a hat or two, or three. The cute little white hat was knit by his grandma, but the other two, my co-worker Caroline knit for me. I think I will need to get one in every colour! I am very excited to work on these over the next week or two, but until then here is a sneak peek! Thanks to his parents for spending a better part of their day with me. Enjoy!!
I Heart Faces-Week 2 " Best Face Photo"

I have been checking out the I heart faces site, http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/ for several months now and figured it was time to start entering some of my photos in their weekly photo contest. When this weeks theme was faces I knew exactly which photo to enter. I know I just posted this picture but it is definately my favourite of 2010 so far. Brooklyn reluctantly agreed to model her new christmas toque for me. I just love this face!

Those of you who know me know that this is my youngest of three girls. (And if you don't know me thanks for stopping by and please leave your mark!!) Brooklyn is 5 and very much a blend of her sisters. I often look at her and have to remind myself that she is just 5. She is smart, funny, and very particular about certain things. For instance this toque that her grandma bought her for Christmas. I don't think I will get her in it this winter but if she thinks about it and gets used to the idea of wearing it, she just may want to wear it next year! I love her to death and am cherishing the days we have just the two of us. Full time school starts for her next fall, and I have decided not to think about it! For now I can enjoy playing pet shops and polly's, doing puzzles, and bribing her for the occasional photo op. The motivation for this shoot was the fact that Brooklyn has been missing one front tooth for at least 2 months now, and the next one is about to fall out. Just had to get this cute toothless stage captured!