Baby Cohen :: Sneak Peak
I am so happy to introduce this little one now that he is has made his grand entrance. His mom Erin and dad Daryl were my very first clients for a maternity shoot back at the end of February, and now the story is complete. What a mellow, happy little guy he was for us today. Not only did he cooperate for cozy sleepy shots, but also had an awake, quiet time. Thankfully he does take a soother or things may have been different. He brought along some special hats knit for him by his grandma, and a cozy white blanket that Grandma knit while mom was in labour. Congratulations Erin and Daryl on your precious little man. May he bring you a lifetime of joy. Here is your sneak peak, and I can't wait for you to see the rest. Enjoy!!

Micah 6wks
You may remember this little one from his newborn shoot a few weeks back. He was the easiest newborn I have ever had the pleasure of photographing, sleeping through the whole shoot no matter how he was posed. The only problem with this is I didn't get a chance to catch his eyes open. In chatting with his mom the other day we decided to bring him back to get a few of him awake. His eyes are so blue and even though the rest of his family has various shades of brown and green his mom hopes they stay this blue! I am so very lucky that this sweet baby lives right next door and I have been given free reign to have him model for me whenever I want. Thanks Chris, I will be definitely taking you up on this. Keep checking back as I watch him grow!!

Perfect Portraits or Capturing a Memory
As I journey in this world of photography I often struggle with taking photos that capture everyday memories as they unfold. I don't take my camera everywhere I go and sometimes feel like I do miss out on some of our life happenings. I really need to get better at not trying to make every picture I take into a perfect portrait. Let's face it, real life is often not perfect. I want to look back at this time in my kids lives and be able to see photos that tell a story, not just a photo shoot opportunity. Today the girl's and I ventured out in the beautiful sunshine and did some park hopping. I did take my camera which gave me something to do while they played. It was fun taking pictures for a change, not worrying about perfect light, perfect looks, or perfect focus. We had a great time. Here are a few from our day, not perfect but real life as it happened. Wall hangings, probably not, but I hope they will make it into an album one day.
My Middle Girl
Steve and I always knew we wanted three kids. We each came from a family of one girl and one boy. I would have loved to have a big family, especially a sister. When we were having our second child, after having a girl first everyone just assumed that I hoped for a boy to make the "perfect" family. Really, I wanted a girl. When Avery arrived I knew she would be the middle child and it seemed like she knew this from the very beginning. She was and still is the polar opposite to her sister. She is my dark haired girl, my most outgoing, spiritual, sensitive, and very loving. There is though a stubborn streak in her that surfaced very early. She crawled early and once she hit 10months old really gave me a run for my money. I wasn't quite sure how to parent her. I researched the "strong willed child" convinced she fit this category, but now I realized she was actually just determined. The maturity she shows now continues to baffle me and I am proud of the confident young girl she is growing up to be. It is hard to believe she will be nine in a month and a half, yet most of the time I have to remind myself that she really is only this age. Today Avery was very patient as I played around with my new camera. She decided to wear her contacts today so I had to take advantage of seeing these beautiful big eyes without glasses. Love you Avery!!
Expecting Lauren

Today we ventured out in the blustery weather to capture this beautiful mom to be. Having postponed already once this week due to extremely windy conditions we took our chances that our location would be somewhat sheltered, despite being on the lake. Driving out the waves on the lake were huge and I was a little worried. This mama would be beautiful, windblown or not! Thankfully we were able to shoot between gusts and I am very pleased with the results. Thank you so much Amanda and Jeff for braving the weather with me. I enjoyed our time together. Here is your sneak peak. Enjoy! I look so forward to meeting your precious baby girl when she decides to make her grand entrance.
Under Construction
Please excuse the mess this blog is in temporarily. The technical side of web devices such as websites and blog coding are just not my area of expertise. It is late, I am tired and frustrated so this is how it will stay for now. The images in the header are not mine ( I wish) but soon they will be. Keep coming back and I will have it figured out soon. Thanks!!!

This beautiful girl you see here is my firstborn. Almost eleven yet in many ways seems so much older. Why do kids grow up so fast these days? She is mature far beyond her years and I am loving watching her grow. As a preschooler/younger child I always characterized Delaney as "high maintenance". There were frequent meltdowns over things that I just didn't understand but now I am seeing those personality traits in a new light. With maturity has come redefinition. The need for everything to be a particular way has been harnessed into extreme organization and neatness and being on time to her means being 10 min early. I am continually amazed by the way she keeps her room clean and actually offers to help out the family. I love this girl! Delaney and I are connecting now on a different level. I actually "get" her. I always thought we were so very different but as the years go on I see how very similar we actually are. When we decided today to venture out and check out some locations for a shoot I have coming up this week Delaney took it upon herself to get dressed in order to have her photo taken. This is so very rare I just had to take advantage of it. So here she is, my beautiful baby girl, getting way to grown up.
I Heart Faces-Week 10 "Jump for Joy"

This week at I heart faces it is all about the "jump shot". I shot this one of my girls last spring pretending to be cast from High School Musical. I love the expressions on their faces. Check out all of the cool photos here at
Baby Eli-Sneak Peak

The other day I had the privilege of seeing this little one again. He was born several weeks early but you could never tell that now. At three weeks of age he really made me work to get these sleepy shots. I got lots of snuggle time which I love and you can see why his mom and dad are just smitten with him. Thank you to Shelly and Justin for the opportunity to spend time with your sweet baby boy. Enjoy your sneak peak.