Porter Family :: Sneak Peek
I have been so excited anticipating todays shoot with a beautiful family and a super location, that just happens to be their backyard! I definitely will be using this place in the future, providing I can convince clients that the drive is worth it. The kids did a great job and were very patient with me and some of my ideas. Not one complaint!! I was very surprised to have it be a family shoot and not just the kids. Thanks Lisa for inviting me to capture these for you. You have great kids. Since I couldn't help myself this sneak is bigger than I had planned. Enjoy! I have many more that I can't wait to show you!

Easton :: Sneak Peek
I have to say it again, I love this age. Very active, but yet so sweet and so easy to capture the true innocence of childhood. This little guy is sure to be a heartbreaker with his beautiful big blue eyes and long dark lashes. I hope you enjoy your sneak peak. Thank you for inviting me to spend the morning with your little boy.

I Heart Faces-Week 20 " Faces and Flowers"
I love spring. Everything is fresh and new and what a great time of year for photos. I so love orchards with their blossoms as a backdrop. I posted this awhile back as a sneak peek for one of my clients but found it very fitting for this weeks challenge. This little sweetie is 18 months old. Super cute age for photos when they are into it, otherwise very challenging. This beautiful floral headband was a perfect addition to our session. Cute faces, and flowers, what a great category "I heart faces!"
Brooklyn's BFF
Brooklyn missed her friends more than ever the week we were away. You would think a week in Disneyland would distract her but all I heard all week was how much she missed her best buddies. Tessa is one of Brooklyn's BFF's and with them both not in kindergarten today I decided to surprise Brooklyn and arrange a play date. Not only would the girls play all day, but I would have time to get some stuff caught up too. The girls had a great day, and I even was allowed to catch a few shots of them in a nearby orchard. Tessa has recently lost her two front teeth and I know how much her mom loves that toothless grin. This is for you Jolanda! (on a side note, Tessa knows me well enough to know that when she is here there is a pretty good chance the camera will come out!!)

"G" mini shoot
Cory, Rachel, and Amy :: Sneak Peek
This was a last minute photo shoot that I added to my day. Having been away the last week I was happy to be reunited again with my camera. Trying to coordinate times with these beautiful kids hasn't been easy between dance, baseball, and parent work schedules. Sometimes the best things come at the spur of the moment. Anita, it was a pleasure to spend time with your kiddos this afternoon. Hope you enjoy what we came up with! Of course you know there will be more for you.

For Julie :: another sneak peek
I myself am very impatient. When I want something I want it now, or yesterday! I am not good at waiting for things so I can totally understand how hard it is for clients to have to wait for their photos to be completed. Thankfully in this day and age with blogs and websites we are able to provide a little sneak peek so the waiting doesn't seem quite so bad. Julie, I know how anxious you are too see all of your photos, and with my pending vacation I thought I would provide you with a second sneak peek of our recent shoot. Enjoy!!