Fall is in full swing. The girls are back at school, dance and skating and with Brooklyn in kindergarten 2 or 3 full days per week I am finding time again to pursue what I love to do...photography. I was asked by this sweet little boy's auntie (whom I work with) back in the spring if I would be interested in doing his newborn photos. Of course I couldn't refuse! I met mom Amy the day she was being discharged from hospital to set up a convenient time in the next week to get together. As the first week is optimal,day 5 of age it would be. I was very excited....all I could think about was the squishy, baby folding I could do. And to top it off he was jaundice and sleepy, perfect! Well, this little man decided to wake up on day five(meaning his jaundice levels were decreasing). Good for him, not so good for me. We did manage some great shots, but he wanted nothing to do with being folded or squished. Newborns, they are not predictable! Big brother Ben was on the move and not too interested in getting his pictures done. I was able to catch a couple. Thank-you so much Amy and Shawn for inviting me in to your very busy first week with your precious baby. I hope you are getting settled into your new place. Thanks too to Auntie Kate for the referral! Here are just a few.
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