These last couple of weeks have been busy here. Planning and moving forward with my photography on the business side of things. Business cards being worked on, decisions with what to do with this blog (because I want to be able to post larger, better quality images), not to mention a few shifts at my real job. I am excited to see what this year will bring. I am trying to sell my existing camera in hopes of a great upgrade. Any takers?? So my head has been swimming with ideas but I couldn't forget the opportunity to catch this brief moment in time of Brooklyn, my sweet baby girl, sporting a large gap where her two baby teeth used to reside. A couple of weeks ago I posted her one hole gap but this last week Brooklyn decided that the other front tooth was loose enough (and bothersome enough) to let me pull it out. These aren't complete toothless grin pictures as the new big teeth are coming in at great speed. I always thought this stage was a little goofy, but I can't imagine her being any different. I am going to miss this!! I sure love this face and the lovey little girl it belongs to!!!
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