Something New
I have had the pleasure over the last couple of weeks to photograph two new babies, one boy and one girl (but not at the same time!)Baby "A" belongs to a couple I have gotten to know since his birth. His dad works with my husband and his mom is a great photographer. I have to admit I was a wee bit nervous to photograph them, but all in all I am pleased with the results. I spent the morning with sweet Baby "L" and her mommy last week, and although she decided she wanted to see what was going on instead of sleeping I was able to capture her in all her sweetness. This little girl is lucky to have a helpful big sister who loves her so much. Thanks to the moms and dads for your time and patience. Here is just a sneek peek.
Beach Baby
I first met this little sweetheart just after his arrival and couldn't get over how squishy and cute he was. I just love his mop of platinum blond wavy locks and couldn't wait to capture all this cuteness. Here is just a sample of the many. Although I have to say, he really didn't sleep for any great lengths. At nine days old I think he was way more interested in what was going on. Thanks so much to the mom and dad for giving me the opportunity to capture these precious moments for you.