New Blog :: Check it out!
As of now, all sneak peeks and new posts can be found on my new blog. Blogger has served me well over the years but for photographers it is very limited. I am very excited to have my new photoblog so check out all that is new!!Heidi McKelvey Photography
Berekoff Family :: Sneak Peek
This wonderful family just happens to be our dearest friends. Anita and I met at baby talk when our first babies were just weeks old and since then she has become my friend, my confidant, my sister. We have been through pregnancies together, parenting struggles with babies/toddlers, and now we are entering into the teenage stage together. Our kids are like cousins, they fight like siblings at times, and couldn't imagine going more than a few days without seeing each other.( Brooklyn even wanted to come home from Disneyland to see Amy.) This past weekend we ventured out camping only to come upon this beautiful location. I must remember to always have something photo worthy in the way of clothing from now on, even when we camp. It has been almost 2 yrs since these guys had a family photo taken so here they are. I definitely need to go back here for our family shoot. Enjoy, and maybe we can do more on our trip to Idaho!!