Steve and I always knew we wanted three kids. We each came from a family of one girl and one boy. I would have loved to have a big family, especially a sister. When we were having our second child, after having a girl first everyone just assumed that I hoped for a boy to make the "perfect" family. Really, I wanted a girl. When Avery arrived I knew she would be the middle child and it seemed like she knew this from the very beginning. She was and still is the polar opposite to her sister. She is my dark haired girl, my most outgoing, spiritual, sensitive, and very loving. There is though a stubborn streak in her that surfaced very early. She crawled early and once she hit 10months old really gave me a run for my money. I wasn't quite sure how to parent her. I researched the "strong willed child" convinced she fit this category, but now I realized she was actually just determined. The maturity she shows now continues to baffle me and I am proud of the confident young girl she is growing up to be. It is hard to believe she will be nine in a month and a half, yet most of the time I have to remind myself that she really is only this age. Today Avery was very patient as I played around with my new camera. She decided to wear her contacts today so I had to take advantage of seeing these beautiful big eyes without glasses. Love you Avery!!